

Bright Horizons International School was expanding rapidly, with multiple branches and a diverse student population. The school faced difficulties in managing its growth and ensuring consistent academic quality.


The school implemented "PAFIELD" to centralize its operations and provide a consistent learning experience across branches. The solution's multi-branch management, online examination, and academic planning features proved invaluable.


Streamlined management of multiple branches, leading to a 25% reduction in administrative costs.

Conducted online exams securely, ensuring academic continuity during disruptions.

Improved academic planning, resulting in a 12% increase in student performance.

Enhanced communication among teachers, students, and parents.

Achieved consistent academic quality across all branches, promoting the school's reputation.

Certainly, here are 10 more hypothetical case studies showcasing the benefits of your school ERP solution, "PAFIELD," in a variety of educational settings:

  • Client
    Bright Horizons International School
  • Budget
  • Duration
    90 Days

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